Filed in archive Technology
by James Koopmann on June 07, 2008

The demand for smaller yet storage rich devices have lured chip makers into into a frenzy. SanDisk this week introduced a line of SSDs that will be available in 4, 8, and 16 GB capacity with READs up to 39 MBPS and WRITES up to 17 MBPS. Targeting the mini-laptop computer, tablet PCs, and blade servers, SanDisk plans to roll out these disks sometime in August.
I unerstand that most of the mini-laptop craze is initially feeler type environment where producers are, I think, feeling the market out to see how much of an impact these minis will have. I personally won't ever purchase one until they actually let me do some real work. To get there these minis need to have some basic productivity tools WITH some storage to house my work. Once we can get 50GB into these machines I'll get excited.
Read the full article at:
SanDisk Launches Solid-State Drives Aimed at Hot New Category of Ultra Low-Cost PCs