某客户准备修改 CI/CD 流程中原有的 公网 ip 地址为 弹性ip,想了解涉及修改的各个方面,告知客户有如下地方会有改动( 原有流水线的自动触发、 harbor上对应的webhook、制品仓库对应的webhook、gitlab这边的webhook),
经过简单演示,发现难点是 gitlab 这边如何批量更换新的 webhook 地址,所有应用全部手动点一圈显然比较繁琐,于是有了下面的测试。
通过模拟环境,检查发现这些 webhook 地址是以数据的形式存放在 gitlab对应的postgres数据库里面。
对应的数据库为 gitlabhq_production,表为 web_hooks,还有一个表 web_hook_logs 是存放webhook相关的历史记录等完整信息。
kubectl get po -n 某名字ns
kubectl exec -it -n 某名字ns gitlab-postgresql-6995884f-dl92s sh
换用户 # su - postgres # 数据备份 postgres@gitlab-postgresql-6995884f-dl92s:~$ pg_dump gitlabhq_production > gitlab.sql # 查看备份 postgres@gitlab-postgresql-6995884f-dl92s:~$ ls -lh total 472K drwx------ 3 postgres postgres 18 Apr 29 2020 10 -rw-rw-r-- 1 postgres postgres 461K May 8 16:24 gitlab.sql # 另一个终端,将 sql 备份文件拷贝到本地 kubectl cp 某名字ns/gitlab-postgresql-6995884f-dl92s :gitlab.sql /root/gitlab .sql # 进入psql命令模式 postgres@gitlab-postgresql-6995884f-dl92s:~$ psql psql (10.4 (Ubuntu 10.4-2.pgdg18.04+1)) Type "help" for help. postgres= # \x Expanded display is on. # 查数据列表 postgres= # \l List of databases -[ RECORD 1 ]-----+---------------------- Name | gitlabhq_production Owner | postgres Encoding | UTF8 Collate | C Ctype | C Access privileges | =Tc /postgres + | postgres=CTc /postgres + | gitlab=CTc /postgres # 换库 postgres= # \c gitlabhq_production; # 查询记录 gitlabhq_production= # select * from web_hooks; -[ RECORD 1 ]--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------- id | 4 url | http: //10 .23.5.53:8089 /hook/28a369a1-17f9-4b98-b766-439df6d1c6b3 project_id | 2 created_at | 2021-05-07 17:44:52.392552 updated_at | 2021-05-07 17:44:52.392552 type | ProjectHook service_id | push_events | t issues_events | f merge_requests_events | t tag_push_events | t note_events | f enable_ssl_verification | f wiki_page_events | f token | aec78a4e-dc82-4f3c-be84-7415dc57349d pipeline_events | f confidential_issues_events | f repository_update_events | f job_events | f confidential_note_events | -[ RECORD 2 ]--------------+----------------------------------------------------------------- id | 5 url | http: //10 .23.5.53:8089 /hook/e0e9dec8-915a-4eff-972c-89de9094046a project_id | 4 created_at | 2021-05-08 10:23:23.036441 updated_at | 2021-05-08 10:23:23.036441 type | ProjectHook service_id | push_events | t issues_events | f merge_requests_events | t tag_push_events | t note_events | f enable_ssl_verification | f wiki_page_events | f token | cfc46dc9-faed-434a-88f4-c6113e9f9a2e pipeline_events | f confidential_issues_events | f repository_update_events | f job_events | f confidential_note_events | |
# 单个替换 url,简单将8089端口替换为8088
# 进入数据库容器 kubectl exec -it -n 某名字ns gitlab-postgresql-6995884f-dl92s sh # 换用户 # su - postgres # 换库 postgres= # \c gitlabhq_production; # 查询记录 gitlabhq_production= # select * from web_hooks; # 替换url地址 gitlabhq_production= # UPDATE web_hooks SET url = replace (url,'',''); UPDATE 2 # 再次查询记录 gitlabhq_production= # select * from web_hooks; |
修改前 端口8089
hook execution successfully : http 200
输出hook 正常,符合预期。
ps. 如果异常,这里会返回提示连接拒绝
Hook execution failed: Failed to open TCP connection to (Connection refused - connect(2) for "" port 8088)
CI/CD 跑流水线,制品仓库是否有正常推送的制品。
至此gitlab 下 webhook 批量修改成功,验证通过。