- 有两个内核的原因如下:
话说作为甲骨文vps 的免费用户,没想到有一天会下载它 oracle-linux 的 iso镜像,基于它部署k8s集群。起因大概是centos7.9 将于 今年6月停更,不少用户已经提前切换系统了。
其实写这篇主要原因是安装系统的过程中发现它默认自带1高1低 2个内核, 以前oracle linux 7.9 也有,没太留意,这次自己安装,看到启动项目了,才留意这个现象。
1 ,下载链接
1 |
https://yum.oracle.com/oracle-linux-downloads.html |
2, 多内核的玩法早就有了
- el8_9、el9_4 这种结尾的是redhat 相同兼容内核
- el8uek、el9uek 是它加固过的内核
上一张自己的vps 上的oracle linux 7.9下的多内核截图
这次安装的8.9和9.4 多内核截图
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查看默认内核 grubby --default-kernel 修改默认内核为 rhel 相同的 grubby --set-default /boot/vmlinuz-4.18.0-513.24.1.el8_9.x86_64 写入生效 grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg 重启 reboot 检查 uname -msr Linux 4.18.0-513.24.1.el8_9.x86_64 x86_64 改回5系内核 改回5 grubby --set-default /boot/vmlinuz-5.15.0- 其他同上。。。 |
3,oracle-linux 9.1 是过渡版本
快照过渡版本建议早点升级换掉官网已经没有直接展示9.1 的下载链接了
Important: Update releases such as Oracle Linux 9.1 or Oracle Linux 9 Update 1, are rolling snapshots of the latest supported packages for the Oracle Linux release and are not considered independent versions of Oracle Linux. Do not attempt to pin an Oracle Linux system to a particular update release. Always update systems to the most recent update release of the operating system. Failure to do so exposes your systems to common security vulnerabilities and other software bugs
网卡配置文件不再是 /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ 下 的 ifcfg-en*
而是在这里/etc/NetworkManager/system-connections 下的 ens*.nmconnection
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Previously, NetworkManager stored network profiles in ifcfg format in this directory (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/). However, the ifcfg format is deprecated. By default, NetworkManager no longer creates new profiles in this format. Connection profiles in keyfile format have many benefits. For example, this format is INI file-based and can easily be parsed and generated. Each section in NetworkManager keyfiles corresponds to a NetworkManager setting name as described in the nm-settings(5) and nm-settings-keyfile(5) man pages. Each key-value-pair in a section is one of the properties listed in the settings specification of the man page. |
5, 安装过程图
