December 12, 2009
Los Angeles, CA. Google has just announced that the name of its Google phone will be "Nexus One". It sounds like "Lexus". It also sounds futuristic. It is bold and courageous, with the word "One", suggesting that it is No. One, but could also mean it is their first generation. 大家来猜一下Nexus One中文名吧。哈哈。
1. 连系,联络;关系;连结的一系列,一组
2. 【语言学】动词谓语结构;叙述关系,核心〔丹麦语言学家奥托叶斯帕森用语〕
3. 连接;关系
4. 结合膜
5. 融合膜
英英解释,nexus:1. a connection or link associating two or more people or things
2. a group or series of connected people or things
3. the center or focus of something
4. a specialized area of the cellular membrane that helps cells to communicate or adhere
5. the centre or focus of something
老外还真厉害,很快挖到了nexus one在agent上的情况,与nexus one硬件配置基本吻合。
再来一张传说中的nexus one图,到时候真伪立辨。