第2次遭遇bad_httpd_conf错误了,赶紧记下来,不然凭自己的烂记性又要找半天。Dreamhost的网站有解答 http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Bad_httpd_conf
Quick fix: Go to your Dreamhost web panel then > Domain > Manage Domains > Edit > Save changes.
You don’t have to actually make any changes before you “Change fully hosted settings now” — just following these steps will rebuild the httpd_conf file for your website and most likely fix the problem. Then wait up to 10 minutes to see if the error has been fixed.
If that didn’t work try the following fix:
Delete Static IP, then re-’Add IP’ – If the domain displaying this error has a static IP address you added from DreamHost’s Web Panel, then Delete the Static IP (you will instantly be refunded), then add a new static IP address to your domain by clicking “Add IP”
Those simple steps should solve the majority of bad_httpd_conf errors. If not could delete then re-add the domain to your account, but that can be a hassle as it deletes the whole website (you would need to backup / re-upload all your files deal with databases, etc.
If this is the route you want to take be sure to check out the Dreamhost support wiki page on how to safely delete and reconfig a domain.
话说自己网站上的博客不上google ad有点客气,赚钱啊~
看过一篇报道,上海应技大某同学通过google ad的点击率赚了好多到美刀
@dexter wang 据说几年前gg ad可以作弊, 呵呵。blog赚钱还得靠流量,如月光那小子,09年我的这个博客才6.8刀,不够域名年费。纯属娱乐。哈哈。